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"Old Man of Storr", Scotland. Photo by Juan Ducal


WolframAlpha: Mathematical Answer Engine
Khan Academy: Non-profit educational organization
3Blue1Brown: Youtube Channel about math and entretainment
Numberphile: Youtube Channel about numbers


Computational Economics

QuantEcon: Open source computational tools for economics
Learn X in Y minutes: A rapid tour of your next favorite language
DataCamp: Learn Data Science. Requires paid subscription, options for students
Kaggle: Machine Learning and Data Science Community


Make your life easier(harder)

Overleaf: Collaborative cloud-based LaTeX editor used for writing scientific documents
Tables Generator: Easily create complex tables
Mathpix Snip: Covert images to LaTeX
Zotero: Open-source reference managment software
GitHub: Hosting for software development and version control using Git
Visual Studio Code: Free source-code editor by Microsoft
Tabula: Open-source tool, extract tables from PDF into CSV


Webpage Creation

W3schools: Educational website for learning web technologies online
WowChemy: Free website builder for Hugo
GitHub Pages: Host your website on your Github repository
Deep Image: Online image enhancer
This web itself!: Open source based on Joan Llull's Web page


Interesting Material (non-academic)

South Park: Fremium isn't free
South Park: Handicar
South Park: MargaritaVille
The Big Short: Us Mortage market crisis
Snowpiercer: Humanity survives riding a train, the series
Snowpiercer: Humanity survives riding a train, the film
The Informant: Price-fixing business
Too Big to Fail: Financial metldown of 2008
A Beautiful Mind: John Nash life story
Margin Call: Early stages 2008 crisis
Arbitrage: Trading
Moneyball: Statistics applied to sports
Nightcrawler: Crime Journalism
There Will Be Blood: Oil business early days
In Time: Time is the only currency
Dune: Conflict on assets


Confrences and Networking: Based on my research interests

As of today I need more experiences myself to come up with a list


Academic Books

As of today I need more readings myself to come up with a list


Non-Academic Books

This section is incomplete



I don't offer any myself (yet) :P. I will complete this section when I gather more useful general information